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Zoo Aquarium Madrid
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Zoo Aquarium Madrid
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Zoo Aquarium Madrid
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Zoo Aquarium Madrid
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I accept to receive commercial communications, including personalised information, about the products and services of the Parques Reunidos Group. Further information and rights.


* You must accept these conditions before you can make a purchase.

Processing of personal data basic information

Controllers: Parques Reunidos Servicios Centrales S.A. and Parque de Atracciones Madrid, S.A.U. as joint controllers. Purposes: i) managing your purchase of products and bookings ; ii) customer care; iiI) sending surveys; iv) market research and analysis; v) compliance with statutory duties; vi) fraud prevention and detection vii) subject to your express consent only, sending commercial communications of products and services related to the leisure and hotel industry of the European companies of the Parques Reunidos Group, including customised information prior profiling, by any means of communication, including electronic. Rights: you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, objection, erasure, limitation, portability or, where applicable, withdraw your consent, request to unsubscribe from marketing communications or not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling, as detailed in the additional information (see Privacy Policy). Further information: for further information, please visit our Privacy Policy.

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