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It is the largest living bird and, although it has lost its ability to fly, it is characterized by being a magnificent runner.
The ostrich also possesses magnificent eyesight which, together with its great height, makes it an expert scout: it can watch the horizon and flee at the slightest danger.
It is distributed throughout most of southern and central Africa, in countries such as Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique.
When they are chicks they have a coloration similar to sand, which allows them to blend in with the ground, avoiding possible predators. As adults, the female will be grayish brown and the male will be black with white wingtips.
Ostriches live in groups of about 10 individuals, with an Alpha male defending the territory and several females, one of them being more dominant than the rest. Dominant male and female mate and share the task of caring for the chicks. The rest of the females may mate with the Alpha male or other wanderers, but they all lay their eggs in the dominant female's nest, a communal nest.
The ostrich is an omnivorous bird: it eats plants, insects, reptiles or rodents.
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