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Relive the most special moment of your visit to Zoo Aquarium Madrid

The best way to turn your visit to Zoo Aquarium Madrid into an unforgettable memory. Take a spectacular photo with some of our most iconic animals, or a more classic one of your arrival at the Zooand keep that special moment forever.

Sea lion photo

Take home a wonderful souvenir with some of our sea lions.

TIMES*: at the end of each sea lion educational activity

Photos are without animal contact.

Giraffe photo

Take home a wonderful souvenir with some of our giraffes.


  • Monday to Friday: 13:00 and 15:00 hours.
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 13:00 and 15:30 hours.

Photos are without contact with animal.

Birds of prey photo

Take home a wonderful souvenir with some of our birds of prey.

TIMES*: at the end of each bird of prey educational activity.

Exotic birds photo

Take home a wonderful souvenir with some of our exotic birds.

TIMES*: at the end of each exotic bird educational activity.

Entry photo

The best souvenir of your visit, an unforgettable photo at the entrance.

TIMES: a All day long, when entering the park.

Buy your photo at the park.

*Schedules subject to change due to weather or security conditions. Confirm on your arrival at the park.

Covid Info
Learn more about some of the Zoo's animals in a unique adventure

Learn more about some of the Zoo's animals in a unique adventure

Online Photo from 


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