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Have fun learning about nature at Madrid Zoo Aquarium

At Zoo Aquarium Madrid our goal is that every visitor learns about animals, the different continents and how to take care and respect planet Earth. For this reason, we also have different proposals andeducational activities. Looking for the best camps for your children? Interested in learning more about our animals with your class? Or have you discovered that your vocation is to be a technical assistant in zoos and aquariums? Whatever your reason, we have the right activity for you.

Find out more about these below.

  • Schools and Groups

    Check out all the information about our educational offers for first, second and third terms of primary school, as well as secondary and high school.

  • Animal courses

    If you want to expand your knowledge about some of our species or become a Technical Assistant of Zoos and Aquariums, discover our program of animal courses.

  • Camps, Non-School Days and Family Workshops

    Information about Camps, Non-school Days and Family Workshops at Madrid Zoo Aquarium.

Covid Info
Learn more about some of the Zoo's animals in a unique adventure

Learn more about some of the Zoo's animals in a unique adventure

Learn and find out more about some of the Zoo's species in our fun and exciting educational activities. Check the timetables and don't miss out!