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Gray seal

Scientific name:  Halichoerus grypus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  North America
Habitat:  Oceans and seas
Diet:  Piscivorous
Weight:  150 - 300 kg
Size:  1,8 - 2,3 m
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Meet the Gray seal!

The gray seal's body is elongated and fusiform, and is adapted to swimming. Unlike the sea lion, it lacks external ears, although they have ears (two small holes located on both sides of the head).

Among the characteristics of seals and sea lions are their limbs, which have been transformed into flippers. Seals use their front flippers as a rudder and propel themselves (in the water) with their hind flippers, while sea lions propel themselves with their front flippers. On land, seals move more clumsily, although there are species that move at high speed, crawling, unlike sea lions, which can move on all fours, in quadruped, since the insertion of the femur to the hip is different. 

Male gray seals have darker fur and are considerably larger than females. They have nails on both hind limbs and forelimbs, unlike sea lions, which only have nails on the hind limbs.

They are basically distributed throughout the North Atlantic and inhabit islands and rocky coasts, caves, sandy beaches and pack ice.

What are its habits?

They are solitary animals that only gather during the breeding season, when they have their young and mate. In September, the arrival of pregnant females to the breeding areas begins, days before the males. After the lactation period is over, the female gray seal begins to rut and mate; copulations take place in early November, but implantation of the blastocysts in the uterus does not occur until February. This helps the female to have time to recover from the energy expenditure of gestation and lactation. During the two periods of the life cycle that they spend on land (molting and parturition-copulation), they fast absolutely.

Their feeding habits are piscivorous, they eat a great variety of fish. 

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Their only natural predators are killer whales and sharks. However, some species are threatened by excessive hunting for their fur and skins.

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