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The Guanaco is considered a species of wild and untamable llama. Like its relatives, dromedaries and camels, guanacos have a haughty gesture and an almost contemptuous attitude. Like them, they adapt easily to adverse environmental and climatic conditions. Guanacos don’t love the heat, although they can withstand all types of temperatures. Of all the camelids, it is the one that lives furthest south.
It can be found throughout the Andes, from Peru to Tierra de Fuego, in plains and altitudes that reach 3,000 meters above sea level.
This mammal is usually grouped in communities of 20 individuals led by a male who acts as the herd's protector.
The Guanaco can run at around 64 km/h, which is very important to escape its main predator, the puma.
Their diet consists of grasses, moss and tubers.
The male becomes particularly aggressive during the rutting season, and fights with other males for females. This occurs between November and February. After 11 months of gestation, females give birth to a calf.
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