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Cape Barren Goose

Scientific name:  Cereopsis novaehollandiae
Class:  Birds
Continent:  Oceania
Habitat:  Ríos, marismas, pantanos y lagunas
Diet:  Herbívoro
Weight:  3,77 - 5,29 kg
Size:  75 - 100 cm
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Meet the Cape Barren Goose!

The Cape Barren Goose is the least aquatic of its species. It is not a good swimmer and is clumsy and slow in flight due to being heavier than its relatives.

It is an iconic Australian bird, native to the southern Australian islands.

It is lead-gray, with darker markings towards the tail, which is black. A black beak with a characteristic yellow-green stripe on the top. Pink legs and black feet. The female is slightly smaller than the male.

What are its habits?

This goose spends its life on land and is aggressive and territorial, especially during the mating season. It is fearless and drives larger animals, and even humans, out of its space.

It feeds on grasses, buds and shoots. As for reproduction, incubation lasts 35 days (they usually lay three to six eggs). Their life expectancy can reach 15 years.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Cape barren loose, when they are born, follow their mother (although they learn to forage for food from an early age).

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