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Scientific name:  Dromaius novaehollandiae
Class:  Birds
Continent:  Oceania
Habitat:  Temperate forests and taiga
Diet:  Insectivorous
Weight:  30 - 60 kg
Size:  1,50 - 1,90 m
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Meet the Emu!

The emu is one of the most widespread birds within the Australian continent, although unfortunately, it is extinct in Tasmania. 

Its plumage is gray, as well as its head and long legs. It contrasts with the skin of the neck, which is, however, slightly bluish. It is one of the largest birds, only surpassed in this respect by the ostrich.

What are its habits?

During reproduction, like other ratites, the male emu is responsible for incubating the eggs (for 56 days) and caring for the chicks until they are about six months old. In each clutch they may have 15-25 eggs in total, of a bluish-green color and smaller than those of ostriches.

They are omnivorous, their diet is basically composed of seeds, fruits, flowers, some insects and small vertebrates.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Emus have a pouch in their throat that allows them to make drum-like sounds and can be heard up to 2 km away.

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