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White-handed gibbon

Scientific name:  Hylobates lar
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Temperate forests and taiga
Diet:  Herbivorous
Weight:  5 - 8 kg
Size:  50 cm
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Meet the White-handed gibbon!

The white-handed gibbon has developed excellent eyesight, as well as magnificent reflexes, as a result of its arboreal life.

It is very colorful, its skin is light brown and its face is black; its hands and feet are white, as well as the fur that surrounds its face. Of the five fingers on their hands, gibbons use four to grasp as a hook, while the thumb is retracted and used for climbing.

Gibbons move from tree to tree by means of a characteristic swinging motion called brachiation. 

It is distributed in northern Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. 

What are its habits?

Gibbons are monogamous, and to reinforce their pair bonds and protect their territory they emit loud howls, audible from miles away. 

They live in stable family groups formed by the couple and their offspring, which are expelled from the clan once they reach maturity. 

They spend most of the day searching for food, starting at dawn and within a defined territory.

Their diet consists of fruits, especially figs. They also eat mangoes, leaves, flowers, birds and eggs.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Their form of locomotion allows them to reach a speed of up to 56 km/h, being able to jump 15 m in length.

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