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Hawksbill turtle

Scientific name:  Eretmochelys imbricata
Class:  Reptiles
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Oceans and seas
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  127 kg
Size:  89 - 100 cm
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Meet the Hawksbill turtle!

The hawksbill turtle is a sea turtle distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. It is a well-traveled animal, capable of nesting in at least 70 countries around the world. One of its main characteristics is its shell, formed by overlapping plates and serrated edges. This carapace, in which yellow, black and brown colors predominate, is mottled in a radial pattern. It has fin-shaped limbs ending in two nails per fin, as well as a sharp, curved beak and a prominent upper jaw.

What are its habits?

Hawksbill turtles are diurnal and follow complex migratory routes. They usually travel alone through the reefs and continental shelf areas, passing through different habitats, in search of food. An opportunistic predator, its diet is based on the capture of sponges, as well as jellyfish, anemones, squid and gastropods.

 Females reach sexual maturity very late compared to other animals, between 17 and 40 years of age. The mating season varies according to geographic location. Mating takes place in shore waters. They lay 3 to 5 clutches per season with about 80-180 eggs in each clutch, but will not breed again for 2 to 4 years.  Incubation lasts about 60 days. Their life expectancy reaches 50 years.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Turtle hatchlings head out to sea oriented by the reflection of the moon and stars in the waves. Due to coastal development, artificial light disorients the hatchlings, causing them to take the wrong direction, thus decreasing their survival.

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