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Technical Assistant for Zoos and Aquariums

If you are interested in obtaining a University Diploma as a Technical Assistant in Zoological Parks and Aquariums, take a look at the program of the Madrid Complutense University, close collaborators of Madrid Zoo Aquarium.

The evaluation consists of two tests or exercises, as well as a continuous evaluation.

  1. Theoretical exam (modules 1 to 5)
  2. Report evaluation (students will prepare a report containing the development, execution and fulfillment of the practices carried out). The evaluation will be carried out by an Evaluation Committee formed by the Director and two teachers of the diploma. ATTENDANCE CONTROL To obtain the Degree, a minimum attendance of 85% of the classes is required.

For more information you can call 91 394 37 68 or write to the e-mail:



Six teaching months, from November to April, with a total of 438 hours (43 credits), 81 theoretical and 357 practical


To be determined


Recommended for undergraduate students (Biology, Veterinary, Environmental studies, Psychology,...) and the general public.


You can consult the prices and any questions about this degree on the website of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.

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