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Dwarf Buffalo

Scientific name:  Syncerus Caffer Nanus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Africa
Habitat:  Savannah
Diet:  Herbivorous
Weight:  300 Kg
Size:  1,2 m
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Meet the Dwarf Buffalo!

The red buffalo is the smallest of the African buffaloes. Its specimens are distributed in Equatorial Guinea, as well as in the Congo Basin and the West African rainforest. 

It is distinguished from its close relatives by its reddish coat, except for the tip of the tail, the legs and the edges of the ears.

Both males and females have horns, although in the case of females the antlers are less developed.

What are its habits?

Red buffaloes are usually grouped in herds of a few individuals, dominated by an adult male.

They are silent mammals, except during the breeding season, when grunting and mooing are common among males, who fight fiercely. The gestation period lasts about ten months, after which a calf is born (rarely two).

They like to rest during the hottest hours of the day, so they feed mostly at dusk and at night. They frequent mud pools, where they wallow to relieve themselves from parasite bites.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


The buffalo's sight and hearing are poor, but their sense of smell (which they rely on to detect predators, even at great distances) is poor.

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