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Eagle Owl

Scientific name:  Bubo bubo
Class:  Birds
Continent:  Europe
Habitat:  Tundra
Diet:  Carnivore
Weight:  1,3 - 3 kg
Size:  53 - 65 cm
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Meet the Eagle Owl!

Native to Asia, Europe and North Africa, the eagle owl is a large animal, the largest owl in the Iberian Peninsula.

Its cryptic plumage of brown and brown tones and its orange eyes make it a perfectly recognizable bird. 

What are its habits?

This owl nests in a wide variety of places (hollows, rocky ledges, hollow logs, ground...). It lays 2-4 eggs per year, which hatch after 35 days. 

Once the chicks hatch, they remain in the shelter of their parents for at least a month. Although the mother spends the most time caring for the chicks, both are responsible for feeding the offspring. 

Its main prey is the rabbit, but it can feed on a wide variety of small vertebrates (hedgehogs, corvids, waterfowl, other birds of prey...). 

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Thanks to conservation projects, such as the one that the Madrid Zoo Aquarium has with Brinzal, the population of this bird has quintupled since 1997. In that year the community was home to 50 pairs, while today there are an estimated 250.

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