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Scientific name:  Rangifer tarandus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Europe
Habitat:  Temperate forests and taiga
Diet:  Herbivorous
Weight:  109 - 318 kg
Size:  1,2 - 1,5 m
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Meet the Reindeer!

A northern animal, it has traditionally been distributed in the tundras and taigas of North America, Europe, Asia and Greenland. Today, the few reindeer left in the wild are mostly domestic animals, essential to the daily lives of the Lapps and other Nordic peoples (such as the Siberian nénets).

They have hooves specially adapted to the snow, the lower part of the hoof is hollowed out like a shovel and the sharp edges provide a perfect grip on the ice. 

What are its habits?

They reproduce in spring, after a gestation period of 225-235 days, and the young are able to follow their mothers as soon as they are born.

They live in herds, are nomadic and migrants, like the people they live with. They are able to travel thousands of kilometers annually. In summer they prefer the open lands of the tundra, where they feed on grasses and plants, while in winter they move towards closed forests to keep themselves protected.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


The reindeer is the only species of the deer family in which both males and females have antlers.

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