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Brown Bear

Scientific name:  Ursus Arctos
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Europe
Habitat:  Tropical forest
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  90 - 350 kg
Size:  1 - 1,25 m
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Meet the Brown Bear!

The brown bear (or Ursus arctos) is a species distributed in various habitats, although it generally prefers to live in dense forests, alpine tundras and river valleys. Brown bears are the second largest of all bears. The Alaskan Kodiak subspecies is capable of reaching 600 kilograms, and is only surpassed in size by the polar bear.

The wide geographic distribution of this bear, which covers three continents, is due to the fact that it is an omnivorous mammal capable of taking advantage of all natural resources. It is an intelligent animal that takes advantage of any experience.

What are its habits?

Despite his good-natured and placid appearance, his independent, nomadic and solitary character is not to be trusted. Its variable and unpredictable character makes it a dangerous animal.

It hibernates in shelters or caves that are difficult to access and especially develops the senses of smell and hearing. Their young weigh about 400 grams when they come into the world in the middle of winter. The mother takes care of them, showing a strong maternal instinct that includes aggressive behavior (in case her cubs are disturbed). Play is an important part of the bear's life, both in young individuals and among adults.

Brown bears feed on plant and animal material: bulbs, fungi, insects, mammals, fish and even carrion.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimates that the total number of brown bears currently exceeds 200,000.

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