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Dorcas Gazelle

Scientific name:  Gazella Dorcas Neglecta
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Africa
Habitat:  Desert
Diet:  Herbivorous
Weight:  20 kg
Size:  90 - 110 cm
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Meet the Dorcas Gazelle!

Small ungulate, i.e. a hoofed mammal, the Dorcas gazelle is distributed throughout the deserts of North Africa, from the Mediterranean to the southern Sahel and from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Despite its fragile and elegant appearance, it is an animal that withstands very harsh environmental conditions.

Its horns are ringed, lyre-shaped, and are part of the morphology of the male and female. This gazelle has a color similar to the sand of its habitat: soft brown on the upper part, and whitish on the abdomen.

What are its habits?

Some of these gazelles live in isolation, although most of them live in more or less numerous groups that occupy their own territory.

They feed mainly on hard grasses, succulent plants and acacia leaves. 

In Africa, mating takes place from August to October, when males in heat emit sounds and mount the female. The female separates from the group to give birth, and after six months of gestation a single calf is born. Lactation lasts about two or three months.

The main enemies of this species are lions, cheetahs, leopards and wild dogs. To escape from them, they do it quickly, making spectacular jumps (in fact, it is their best defense system).

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


The Madrid Zoo has participated in the captive breeding programs of Dorcas gazelles. Specimens born at the Zoo have been released in Senegal, where this species originated and had disappeared.

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