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Yellow-breasted blue macaw

Scientific name:  Ara ararauna
Class:  Birds
Continent:  South America
Habitat:  Tropical forest
Diet:  Frugivore
Weight:  1,1 kg
Size:  97 cm
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Meet the Yellow-breasted blue macaw!

The yellow-breasted blue macaw is the main representative of the psittacines. 

Commonly known as parrots, psittacines are birds with large, strong and curved beaks, with powerful claws with two front toes facing two hind toes, very colorful plumage and a thick and fleshy tongue. It has a spectacular tail that can reach 40 cm in length. 

The range of the yellow-breasted blue macaw extends from Panama to northern Paraguay. 

What are its habits?

They are very sociable andlive in groups of 25-30 specimens. Within the group they form monogamous pairs with which they mate for life.

They nest in cavities in dry trees, where females lay 2-3 eggs, which they incubate for 24-28 days. 

They feed on fruits and seeds, which they break with their powerful beaks.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


It has a high life expectancy, it can reach 50 years of age.

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