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Green winged macaw

Scientific name:  Ara chloroptera
Class:  Birds
Continent:  South America
Habitat:  Tropical forest
Diet:  Frugivore
Weight:  1 - 1,35 kg
Size:  85 - 120 cm
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Meet the Green-winged macaw!

The green-winged macaw, or “aliverde” macaw, has magnificent plumage and belongs to the large family of so-called “parrots”.

Its scientific name, “Ara”, refers to the sound emitted by this bird, which is typical of tropical rainforests from Mexico to Brazil. The scarlet macaw resides in continuous or open jungle areas with islets of bush. 

They are quite large and attract attention because of their vivid and spectacular coloring, and their shrill calls with which they communicate during flight. Juveniles resemble adults, but have shorter tails and brown irises, unlike adults, which are yellowish. 

What are their habits?

The scarlet macaw lives in small groups or in pairs, with which it builds its nests during the mating season. The chosen place is the hollows of trees, which are difficult for predators to access. The eggs are incubated by the female, although the care of the chicks corresponds to both sexes. The young are emancipated once they learn to fly.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


This macaw is the second largest parrot after the blue macaw or hyacinth.

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