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Scientific name:  Rhea americana
Class:  Birds
Continent:  South America
Habitat:   Plateaus
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  15 - 30 kg
Size:  1 - 1,30 m
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Meet the Rhea!

The rhea is a flightless and exclusively South American bird. Its legs, which end in three toes, are strong and adapted for running. The plumage is grayish brown; like ostriches, it has a long neck, a small head and a rather strong beak. 

What are its habits?

Their reproduction is almost unique among birds, both sexes reproduce with more than one individual and the male will be in charge of incubation (40 days) and the care of the chicks. 

They are omnivorous animals: they feed on seeds, grains, fruits, reptiles and small mammals. 

It is a gregarious species, capable of creating flocks of between 20 and 30 individuals (up to fifty specimens have been seen together).

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Running birds lack a keel; an extension of the sternum where the flight muscles are inserted. This, together with their small wings and large size, prevent them from flying.

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