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Grey Wolf

Scientific name:  Canis lupus occidentalis
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Europe
Habitat:  Tundra
Diet:  Carnivore
Weight:  63 - 78 kg
Size:  1 a 2 m
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Meet the Grey wolf!

Tundras and polar regions are the habitat of the gray wolf, a mammal related to our domestic dog or the Australian dingo. 

With a long white coat, it also has grayish tones on its back.

What are its habits?

The gray wolf delimits its territory with howls and scent marks.

The social structure of the pack is strongly hierarchical and led by a pair. This is the alpha male and female, who are usually the only ones who procreate. They are the ones who make the decisions about the group's activities: hunting, which individual eats first, who is allowed to breed, etc.

The mother gives birth to 5 or 6 cubs in late March or early May, after a gestation period of approximately 63 days. The pups do not emancipate from the female until they are two years old.

Gray wolf populations have recovered somewhat in recent years, although they remain threatened. Hunting, habitat loss, roadkill, poisoning and lack of prey are the causes.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Wolves have different dialects. Each subspecies of wolf emits subtly different vocalizations that allow them to differentiate themselves from one another.

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