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Scientific name:  Potamochoerus porcus pictus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Africa
Habitat:  Savannah
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  50 - 120 kg
Size:  1 - 1,5 m
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Meet the Potamoquero!

The Potamoquero has a body completely covered with a reddish-brown, rough fur, which contrasts with the white of its dorsal mane, as well as the tufts of its ears and beard. On both sides of its eyes it has two horny warts. Males are larger than females, and are very water-bound; they frequently swim in rivers and streams (they are dependent on water sources).

They mainly inhabit jungles, wetlands and savannahs. Their distribution includes the southern Sahara and the island of Madagascar.

What are its habits?

This species is  nocturnal, so it remains well hidden. It is rarely seen.

Reproduction coincides with the rainy season. Females reach sexual maturity at three years of age and give birth, after 127 days, to two to six young, once a year. They are monogamous animals that form hierarchical herds of four to 20 individuals, led by an adult male.

The Potamoquero is omnivorous, eating everything from roots, bulbs, fruits, seeds, herbs and leaves, to insect larvae, reptiles, birds, eggs and carrion. It also includes cornfields, peanut fields and peas in its diet.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


The main enemies of the Potamoquero are leopards and lions. These animals fight each other: bringing their foreheads and snouts together, lashing their tails and making loud sounds.

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