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Reeves's muntjac

Scientific name:  Muntiacus reevesi
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Adapts to a variety of habitats
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  About 13 kg
Size:  Up to 1 meter long and 50 cm high at the withers
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Meet the Reeves Muntjac!

This small deer is endemic to China. It is also called “the barking deer” because of the characteristic sound it emits when it feels threatened.  

Its large upper tusks stand out, measuring up to 6 centimeters in the case of males. Their visible preorbital glands are used for chemical communication. Only males have antlers, which they renew every summer.  

It is surprisingly omnivorous due, in addition to bamboo, fruits and foliage, it eats eggs, carrion and even small mammals.

What are its habits?

The species is basically solitary, although it is sometimes found in pairs or small family groups. 

With crepuscular habits, they are territorial and solitary animals. Males compete with each other through fights in which they use their tusks and antlers. 

Females reach sexual maturity at around 7 months of age. After a gestation period of approximately 210 days, a calf is born. The young grow rapidly and after 6 months leave the mother's territory. 

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Has it been introduced into England for hunting purposes? Despite their abundance in the UK, in their country of origin they are threatened by increased hunting pressure and loss of habitat.

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