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Tibetan Bear

Scientific name:  Ursus thibetanus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Mesetas
Diet:  Omnívoro
Weight:  100 - 200 kg
Size:  1,30 - 1,90 m
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Meet the Tibetan Bear!

Considered the most powerful of the Asiatic bears, it can weigh up to 200 kilograms. Other names given to it are Himalayan bear, Asiatic black bear and even "collared bear" (due to the white V and Y-shaped spot printed on its chest, similar to a bib).

The Tibetan Bear is a magnificent climbero that easily climbs trees, where it usually sleeps in summer.

Its distribution, currently depleted and vulnerable, covers

Asian forests and mountainous areas ranging from Iran to Japan. Human aggression to the environment in which it lives has caused it to turn against humans: it is considered a dangerous and aggressive species because of the deaths it has caused.

What are its habits?

They are not very territorial, although they mark the area where they move with urine or by scratching with their claws.

They do not hibernate in general, except the ones that live in very cold regions. Those which do not hibernate make ‘beds’ out of branches in order to sleep on the snow.

The cubs, at birth, are no bigger than a guinea pig, and are very dependent on their mother (they take a year to separate from her).

The Tibetan bear is omnivorous and has a predilection for meat, although its diet is dominated by fruits and vegetables.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


When he sunbathes, which he loves, he adopts a position in which he looks like a sitting dog; when frightened it curls up like a ball, rolling away if it is on a slope.

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