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Sun Bear

Scientific name:  Helarctos malayanus
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Tropical forest
Diet:  Omnivorous
Weight:  60 kg
Size:  1,2 m
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Meet the Sun Bear!

The Malayan bear is the smallest of the bears. Its anatomy and excellent adaptation to the environment make it an excellent climber. Thanks to its paws, it can dig its long, sharp claws into the bark of trees, climbing to incredible places. Such is its fondness for arboreal life that it is difficult to spot any individual in its natural environment, since it tends to remain in the most intricate parts of the forest.

It is a species threatened by habitat loss and hunting. Unfortunately, it is still largely unknown among large mammals.

What are its habits?

This bear is diurnal and crepuscular, although they can be active at night. It does not hibernate and is characterized by being very cautious. What it likes best is to stay among the nests of branches and leaves, sometimes well above the ground (it can climb up to eight meters).

It uses its long tongue to extract insects (termites and ants) and larvae (bee and beetle larvae) from the crevices of trunks. They also feed on plants, fruits and even honey.

Sexual maturity of the Malayan bear occurs between three and four years of age. Mating can take place in any season, and gestation lasts around 100 days. The cubs remain with the mother until they are able to fend for themselves.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


In Asian countries they are hunted to use their gall bladder for medicinal purposes. Scientists have shown that they have no medical value.

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